Technologies of the Self
Tools & Depth Experiences for Healing and Transformation
Clearing, Coping & Transformation
Utilizing a wide variety of modalities such as Biofield Tuning and Hypnotherapy we help you clear the past, cope with everyday life, and create lasting transformation in your life.
For over 35 years, Victoria Bresee, MA, CHt, has offered tools and support to individuals on their journey to self-discovery, growth and transformation. She has a Master’s in Religion from Iliff School of Theology, specializing in Spiritual Counseling. After experiencing an amazing hypnotherapy session in mid-life, she decided to add Hypnosis to her repertoire to coach others to use their own minds to make changes in their subconscious mind, enabling them to free themselves from past programming and to create the life they desire. Many of our clients have had great success with Stop Smoking Hypnosis or even Virtual Hypnosis for a variety of ailments.
She is also a Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, CO. Biofield Tuning is a relatively new method to promote deep healing. By sounding a tuning fork in the electromagnetic field around the body.
Acoustical feedback is provided to the body to restore it to coherence. It clears past trauma and recalibrates the body to wholeness, just as we tune instruments that get out of tune.
Her specialties include stress and pain management, weight loss, stop smoking, and addiction recovery support.

Clearing the Past
We address issues such as:
- Origins of Anxiety
- Phobias
- Addictions
- Anger
- Self-Sabotage
- Early childhood trauma
- Healing the inner child

Coping with Everyday Life
We address issues such as:
- Stress, Relationships, Money
- Pain Management, Healing Support for a Chronic Illness or Surgery
- Grief & Loss, Transitions
- Sports Performance
- Fear of Public Speaking, Fear of Flying or Driving, Stage Fright
- Negative Thinking
- Minor focus and concentration issues
- Motivation towards a Healthier Lifestyle
- Addiction Recovery Support
- Weight Loss
- Smoking Cessation

Creating Transformation
We address issues such as:
- Becoming Your True Self
- Recovering Your Gifts
- Shedding All That Isn’t You & Letting Go
- Intensifying Your Intuition & Guidance
We look forward to connecting and answering any questions you may have.