STRESS & Anxiety Relief
Do you know the difference between stress and anxiety? No matter how great our relationships, no matter how calm our work environment, no matter how abundant our finances, stressors are an avoidable part of life. We all have deadlines with things to accomplish, we have weddings and house moves and new jobs to learn. We get caught in traffic and lose our internet signal. How we deal with these things as they come up determines how enjoyable our lives are on a day to day basis.
Anxiety is more generalized. It can be so pervasive that although we know we are miserable, it’s not tied to any particular issue or event, like planning a wedding for six months that will be over. It’s usually a way of life. Many of us remember being anxious as children or remember how anxious a parent was. For ancient survival, the more primitive part of our brain is constantly scanning for danger, so it has a bias to look for the negative. Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson says that our brains are like Velcro for the negative and Teflon for the positive. We can even invent things to worry about that may never come true!
Click to Read Articles About Stress & Relief Below
Healing from Trauma with Neurofeedback
An increased sense of calm, clarity, focus and resilience are some of the benefits of Neuroptimal Neurofeedback.
Healing the Wounds of Generational Suffering
Because some of our anxieties and fears may not actually have had their start in our own lives, they are especially difficult to soothe. Learn about the new research, how Biofield Tuning can help, and gain techniques to release your inherited wounds. Time to gain a...
Since Yoga Nidra has been shown to reduce levels of stress, hostility and anxiety in chronically-ill patients, veterans and school counselors it has been integrated into a program to treat vets with PTSD.

You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life
Understand your brain and mind to overcome habits, end unhealthy thinking and take control of your life.

Each of our organs, bones and tissues have a particular resonant frequency. Vibration is the fundamental creative force of the universe
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