Ferdinand Lamaze went to Russia in the 1920’s to study hypno-obstetric techniques. Upon his return to France he developed what he called the Lamaze Method for Childbirth without Pain Through the Psychological Method. By the ’60’s it was widely used in America and nowadays there are a number of variations, some with trade-marked names, like Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies.
With my specialization in Medically-Focused Hypnotherapy and Pain Management, it was a logical next step to become certified in Hypnosis for Labor and Childbirth. The programs all teach self-hypnosis techniques, deep relaxation, visualizations and breathwork. Many of them have a set of workbooks and CDs. The tools are helpful for labor, even if you are planning to have an epidural or end up needing a C-section.
The Technologies of the Self Program has 5 weekly sessions, with personalized recordings of each session for home practice. The father/partner/coach is invited to the last 2 sessions to learn how to coach the new mother throughout labor.
Although the hypnotherapist in the video below is a certified hypnobirthing specialist, it is a good general intro to any of the childbirth with hypnosis programs.
Childbirth with Hypnosis Interesting 7-minute presentation on HuffPost.
If you would like to know more, call 951-268-4280 for a free initial consultation.