Don’t Diet! Understand your Brain!

A cutting edge program to help you create the body you desire based on-

Change your Brain, Change your Body, by Dr. Daniel Amen

5 Tuesdays, 10/5-11/2, 6:30-7:30 pm

Symmetry School for Higher Consciousness

2416 W 32nd Ave., Highlands-Denver 80211

Learn your brain type to understand what kind of eater you are and to find out which foods and medications can help or hurt you. Balancing your brain chemistry will make it easier to lose weight, reduce stress and increase energy levels.

Join the 5-week program to learn more about brain optimization and your own motivators, feelings, thoughts and cravings in a supportive environment.

Sessions will be packed with helpful information and will include movement and visualization experiences. Pre-registration is necessary.

Call 720-515-8411 or email [email protected]

$12 each session or $50 for 5 session pkg. (Save $10)
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