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Americans are living longer than ever before. The bad news is that studies show that 50% of those reaching the age of 85 will have dementia. The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to preserve your brain and to keep it active and sharp.

Anxiety-Memory Loss-Sadness-Insomnia-Lack of Energy-Mood Swings-Distractibility

These are symptoms of brain chemistry deficiencies that can often be self-treated with diet, natural supplements, and exercise, avoiding the need for powerful drugs or later loss of cognitive abilities.

With a simple true/false questionnaire we can assess your brain health risk to create a personalized brain optimization plan for you.

Why struggle to concentrate? Or obsess and worry endlessly if you don’t need to?

Contact Victoria today to find out more about what you can do to optimize your brain. Free initial consultations available: [email protected]

Technologies of the Self is Denver’s mind/body clinic.
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