with Crystal Bowls
Leigh Ann Phillips

Enjoy a rare opportunity to experience the powerful work of Sound Healer/Musician Leigh Ann Phillips in an intimate San Luis Valley home setting. Participants can play the quartz crystal singing bowls as well as receive healing directly from Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann will incorporate Celtic harp, crystal bowls, tingshaws(small cymbals), Tibetan bowls and tuning forks to “hold the space,” to help us build new neurological networks in our brains to allow for more possibility in our lives. Each circle is unique, depending on the intention and desire of the group. Seating will be limited, making the night personal and individual.

Oct. 2, 2009       6:30-8:30 PM            $25

Alamosa, Colorado

For reservations and location call  719-937-2840

For more information on sound healing go to–


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