Don’t know about you, but I found it a little disheartening to realize that 9 out of 10 Merry Christmas and New Year’s greetings in my emailbox were from people marketing their services or products rather than my true friends. stock illustration 7495010 santa online deliveryIt helped me also realize how much I wanted to unsubscribe from most of the newsletters I’ve been getting, spiritual or wellness oriented or not.  I need to spend much less time in 2012 sorting through email and I bet most of my contacts do too.  So, my #1 and #2 New Year’s resolutions for 2012, starting NOW are–

#1  Unsubscribe to almost all email newsletters.

#2  Resolve not to send others marketing messages disguised as friendly holiday greetings.

Care to join me in this? If so, pass it on! Let’s unclog our email boxes and start doing vs. reading in 2012!

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