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–Hypnosis for  Visualizing the New You

–Stop Craving at its SOURCE-Your Brain

–Nutrition for New-Found Energy and Mind/Body Balancing

–8 short sessions that will change your life!

–Cutting Edge Modalities that Go Far Beyond Mere Dieting

CALL VICTORIA BRESEE AT            720-460-0758

The Technologies of the Self Weight Loss Program is not a diet. Your lifestyle coach, Victoria Bresee, will guide you as you create a joyous, healthy way of living where your excess pounds will just naturally fall by the wayside.

Although many people are able to lose weight with dieting, only 5% will actually be able to keep it off! For permanent weight loss, one must find a way to change what’s going on inside, emotionally and mentally. Cutting down on calories and starting to exercise is great, but to maintain your desired weight, we need to look at your stress levels, associations to food and comfort, self-image, fears, cravings, metabolism, relationships, and sleeping patterns.  (See also The 30 Uses for Hypnosis.)

This is a whole person approach that will not only help you achieve your target weight, but enable you to create a new “Life Script” for yourself, bringing new vitality and enthusiasm to every phase of your life.

Stress and Anxiety Make it Harder To Lose Weight—What if you could lose weight and RELAX at the same time?n34980 34512495 2336

The Technologies of the Self Weight Loss Program shows you how your brain affects your motivation to eat and then, through hypnosis, guides you through healing your emotional baggage, and increases your desire to exercise and to spontaneously make healthier food choices. Instead of feeling deprived, our clients realize that they are enjoying what they eat more than ever!

Each of the 8 sessions has a unique focus, with handouts and weight loss tools, such as a pedometer. In Phase One, the emphasis is on developing a healthier eating schedule, making healthier choices and reinforcing your motivation and reasons to lose weight.  Phase Two emphasizes eating only for hunger, increasing activity and making yourself a priority. Phase Three continues to tweak your eating and exercise plan, ensures sound sleep, and reinforces your desire to maintain your new healthy, happy, balanced lifestyle.

Weeks before arriving at their target weight, clients report feeling “more excited about life,” that “things are finally starting to move,” or “I’m already feeling different about myself when I wake up in the morning!” Call for an appointment to start creating your own successful fulfilling lifestyle.

The 8 week package ($795) includes a weight loss journal and a pedometer and take home information. Credit card payments are accepted through PayPal.  Denver locations-at the People House in the Highlands and at the Nourished Health Wellness Center in West City Park.