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We’ve all heard it stated, as if it were true, that a person “has to hit bottom” before they are really ready to recover from addiction? Strong evidence shows that “reaching people early, when their problems are less severe and more treatable, leads to better outcomes.  It makes sense that the less someone has lost, like their job, their relationships, their health, their driving license or even teeth, it will not be as challenging for them to reestablish their life once they quit drinking or using. Since 1996, the American Society of Addiction Medicine has recommended starting with the least intensive treatment that is safe.”  Approaches You Don’t Know About for Helping Someone With Substance Abuse

Starting Oct. 15, 2017, I will be offering evidence-based support for relapse prevention. There are new effective ways to gain freedom from dependence way before you hit bottom! The program will be individualized to your needs, with 4 different packages with personal one-on-one sessions and coaching calls or group intensives with ongoing support. More information will be posted in the next couple of weeks. Give me a call if you are interested in meeting for a free consultation.  720-460-0758.