Childbirth Egypt sHypnotic techniques, suggestions, and breathing methods have been used for birthing in America for many generations and entered the mainstream. However, the common understanding is that it is beneficial for those who don’t want to take the risk of pain medications affecting the baby.

During the last 10 years several comprehensive studies show a number of additional benefits. A review published in the British Journal of Anesthesia in 2007 explained that the decreased the need for analgesia and anesthesia provided the mother with a greater sense of autonomy and control. The ability to relax reduced fear and apprehension, enabling more awareness of the process, while diminishing the experience of pain.

Other studies show a decrease in complications related to the birth, fewer nights in the hospital, an average of 3 hours shorter time in labor, and an absence of postpartum depression.

Due to the shorter hospital visits,  reduced need for anesthesia, and less complications, The Technologies of the Self’s Comfortable Joyous Childbirth with Hypnosis individualized program is very cost effective, with long-lasting benefits. The 5-week series is $575. Credit card payment through PayPal accepted. You will be provided with personal recordings of each session for practice at home.

For a first pregnancy, the initial session should be scheduled at week 30. This will give you plenty of time for practice, since the average first pregnancy is 40 weeks. Terms are often shorter for subsequent pregnancies, so it’s best to start around week 28. With twins, we should start at week 25.


Call Victoria at 760-460-0758 for a free consultation.

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