Michel Foucault describes the philosophical and religious practices of ancient Greece as an “Aesthetics of Existence.”
What this entails is the idea that there is a potential in life for stylization, for beauty.
There is not simply one master narrative, one truth about who we are and what we must do. There is a potential, instead, to learn new ways of being and becoming. To set new goals. To remake our desires and, in the process, our very selves.
Existence happens at the intersection of language and the flesh. A change in the body produces a change in the mind, in the soul. When we change our ideas, our flesh too is remade and reshaped.
At Technologies of the Self we offer simple and useful techniques for changing both the mind and the body. From meditation and hypnosis to energy work, from Renaissance-era memory techniques to brain nutrition, from analysis to ecstatic breathwork, we have selected methods and theories that work to reshape lives in ways that are beautiful, powerful, and vibrant
Contact us now for a full life coaching experience: Spiritual, Mental, and Holistic. The initial consultation is complimentary.
Email Victoria for more information: [email protected] or call 720-202-3078.