Throughout the ages, healers have known that sound has an incredible effect on our emotions, health, and spiritual well-being

Plato categorized various types of music and rhythms in to those that would lead us to truth and virtue and those that could harm.

In the West, this thinking eventually led to Gregorian chant. In the East, Buddhist monks experimented with various metals creating the Tibetan healing bowls.

Modern science has confirmed many of these effects by showing how tones can directly change our brainwaves through the process of entrainment.

Even more immediately, intense sounds instantly lead away from the syntax module (the language centers of the brain) to activity in the right brain, often making intense emotional release possible.

Deep vibrations from crystal bowls, which can be placed directly on the body, relieve and alter the muscular tension that is so much a part of who we are, leading to spiritual and religious experiences.

We combine sound healing with body and energy work for a treatment that leads to change and growth and is filled with beauty.

Contact Victoria for more information or to make an appointment: [email protected], 720-460-0758.  $95 for 1-1/2 hour session.

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