by victoriab | Feb 27, 2011 | Blog
Check out this short YouTube video. It’s a fascinating look at the powers of the placebo effect-in other words, the power of our own minds. No wonder hypnosis has such great results and without side effects! via YouTube – The Strange Powers of the Placebo...
by victoriab | Feb 9, 2011 | Weight Loss
I am currently in a house where lunchtime is also catchup-on-reading-time for the others at the table. Many other Americans use meal time for catching up on email or playing games. A recent study shows that when we aren’t paying attention to what we eat, we...
by victoriab | Feb 6, 2011 | Blog
The Whole Person Approach- Quit dieting and tune-up your brain! Learn, too, how to coach your own subconscious mind to spontaneously make healthier choices with group support. Hypnotherapist and Brain Nutrition Counselor, Victoria Bresee introduces a holistic...
by victoriab | Jan 24, 2011 | Events
A healing experience- Saturday, Jan. 29, 2-4:30 pm, at the People House – Ancient mystery schools of Rome, Athens, Egypt, India, China and Tibet used sound as a therapeutic tool, based upon the belief that vibration is the fundamental creative force of the...
by victoriab | Jan 6, 2011 | Events, Weight Loss
The Whole Person Approach to Weight Loss Quit dieting and tune-up your brain! Hypnotherapist and Brain Nutrition Counselor, Victoria Bresee introduces a holistic approach to weight loss. Learn your brain type to understand what kind of eater you are and find out...